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Since our inception, Peer- Reviewers.Org has been totally focused on building a strategic non biased advisory/due diligence capability for Oilfield projects

Peer-reviewers,org is an organization composed of retired or independent oil and gas experts that have a diverse background with different O&G companies, universities, governmental and advisory boards.


We started with 6 senior operating members in 2018, supplying advisory services (mostly in Asia) in the form of peer reviews. Our explosive growth in this field have allowed to expand outside Asia very rapidly in the span of 2 years.


Due to pandemic, we will only work remotely and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. This is to reduce cost to our clients and preserve the health of our advisors who are located in all parts of the globe.


We currently will not take more than 2000 projects in one calendar year. This is primarily due to the fact that senior advisors are not available 24/7 and our increased workload will only dilute the quality of the work.


As of Jan 2021, we are operating in 4 continents, with 103 senior peer reviewers spread out in all parts of the globe and have completed over 741 projects. Cumulatively, our reviewers have 2987+ years of oilfield experience. We are currently working for an assortment of IOC's, NOC's mid size and small independent oil company.


We are also working for wall street financial/equity companies in evaluating oil field equity purchases and sales, here, we provide insight into the quality and development plans/cost if the equity is purchased.


The new area that has developed is working with the government agencies to manage and redevelop their assets based on the projects proposals delivered by the O&G companies.


Our members/peer reviewers are the experts in their respective fields, that will provide advice, knowledge and their experience to evaluate the problem presented, they will not perform the detailed engineering, ie, We are not a consulting company.​


Our goal is to provide an unbiased, factual and uncorrupted viewpoint to a specific oilfield project. To enable this, the peer reviewers have to be persons of Integrity, character, fairness and honesty. Our selection of peer reviewers have to meet the above criteria in addition to the expertise in their respective fields.


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